Dithiophosphinate Replacement
Dithiophosphinate alternatives/equivalents/replacements,Florrea BESTREC?series flotation collectors are unique mining chemicals in mineral processing and beneficiation. Florrea BESTREC? base metal and precious metal ore collectors are highly selective for the separation of copper from copper-zinc ores and lead from lead-zinc ores, rejecting iron sulfides, arsenopyrite and penalty element sulfides.
Florrea BESTREC?series flotation collectors are unique mining chemicals in mineral processing and beneficiation.
Florrea BESTREC? base metal and precious metal ore collectors are
→ highly selective for the separation of copper from copper-zinc ores and lead from lead-zinc ores
→ rejecting iron sulfides, arsenopyrite and penalty element sulfides.
→ Through the use of these collectors for precious metal flotation, many mines benefit in separation efficiency and recovery of precious metals, such as silver and gold, into lead and copper concentrates.
BESTREC?series collectors have found widest application in the selective beneficiation of the following ore types.
Flotation Reagents for Copper-Gold Ores
Flotation Reagents for Complex Sulphide Ores
Flotation Reagents for Precious Metal Ores
Flotation Reagents for Copper-Nickel Ores
BESTREC?series collectors functions similar to Dithiophosphinate Promoter.
Dithiophosphinate promoters are mining reagents for separations, in the flotation process, designed using unique phosphorus collector chemistry for the efficient recovery of precious metal and base metal sulfide values from ores.
If you are looking for improvement for your mineral flotation performance, just contact Florrea for BESTREC?series collectors at
Flotation Reagents for Copper-Gold Ores
Florrea BESTREC? series collectors can be used as the primary collector in flotation of porphyry copper ores that contain significant amounts of gold and silver.
? Copper ores containing secondary Au and/or Ag values when the recovery of these metals can have a significant economic impact on the profitability of an operating plant whose primary products are base metal sulfide concentrates
? High grade precious metal (Au/Ag) ores containing sulfides
? Ores with high levels of pyrite and/or pyrrhotite
→ These promoters are highly effective in the recovery of coarse middlings and can therefore be used even at coarse grind.
→ Additionally, Florrea BESTREC? series collectors can be highly beneficial in flash flotation where a targeted level of selectivity and enhanced recovery of the fast floating, liberated particles is needed.
If you are looking for improvement for your mineral flotation performance, just contact Florrea for BESTREC?series collectors at
Flotation Reagents for Complex Cu/Pb/Zn/Ag/Au Sulfide Ores
Florrea BESTREC?Collectors serve as outstanding base metal ore collectors and excellent reagents for precious metal mining, and have found widest application in the selective beneficiation of:
> All complex polymetallic ores containing Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ag/Au
> Pb/Zn ores with high Ag/Au content (as lead flotation collector)
> Cu/Zn ores with high Ag/Au content (as copper flotation collector)
> Cu/Pb/Zn ores with high Ag/Au content (as lead flotation collector)
Advantages in the application of Florrea BESTREC?Collectors are
? improved selectivity against Zn and Fe-sulfides
? increased precious metals recoveries,
? reduced total collector consumptions for Cu and/or Pb flotation
? increased flotation kinetics leading to higher recoveries of these values.
If you are looking for improvement for your mineral flotation performance, just contact Florrea for BESTREC?series collectors at
Flotation Reagents for Precious Metal Ores
Florrea BESTREC?COLLECTORS have particular affinity toward
? precious metals and their minerals, as well as
? Cu sulfides.
? Pb sulfides.
Advantages of using BESTREC? flotation reagents vs. other sulfide collectors
? Strong affinity for precious metals and their minerals (e.g., Au, Ag, and PGM) while being selective against gangue
? Strong affinity toward certain base metal sulfide minerals (Cu sulfides, Pb sulfide, and Ni sulfides)
? Increased recoveries of precious metals associated with base metal ores, thereby increasing the economic value of the concentrates
? Improved copper and gold selectivity in flash flotation circuits
? High selectivity against iron sulfides (e.g., pyrite), unactivated zinc sulfides (e.g. sphalerite) and arsenic minerals (e.g., arsenopyrite). Its unique selectivity may facilitate elimination of the use of sodium cyanide at some operations
? Low dosage required
? Improved flotation rates
If you are looking for better flotation ,please contact Florrea for BESTREC?series collectors at
Florrea BESTREC?COLLECTORS provide good selectivity on various Cu-Ni ore bodies against pyrrhotite and MgO.
It can reduce the quantity of xanthate required, while increasing Cu flotation kinetics and providing improved metallurgy.
Additionally, it does not produce CS2, which is a significant advantage in terms of health and safety when compared to xanthates.
If you are looking for better flotation ,please contact Florrea for BESTREC?series collectors at
Better mining reagents and solutions.innovative flotation reagents.
Creating Value for Environment, Society & Business
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